Advanced Questions

Learning Statement: In this article you’ll learn how to use question types beyond multiple-choice, such as Priority questions and Free Text questions.
Audience: This article is aimed at all OMBEA Response users.

Multiple-Response Questions


A multiple response question, as opposed to multiple choice question, is one where you ask for more than one response per voter. An example would be:

Which of the following elements are inert? Choose all that apply.
1. Helium
2. Sodium
3. Argon
4. Xenon
5. Hydrogen

Part 1: Create your question

  1. Create your 360 question as normal.
  2. Just above the question window click Properties.
  3. Change the number of Responses Per Participant as appropriate. In our example above, we would change it to 5 because we want the voter to choose up to 5 responses.

Part 2: Poll your multiple response slides

  1. You poll your multiple response slides in exactly the same way as you would with a normal slide. Just remember you’ll need to invite your audience to submit more than one vote.

If an audience member wishes to change their mind and they are using a ResponsePad:

  1. They press an extra button. In our example where we are asking for three choices, they submit a fourth.
  2. This will ‘delete’ their choices and a red light on the ResponsePad will indicate this.
  3. The can submit their new set of responses as normal.

Priority Questions


A priority ranking question in OMBEA is one that asks the audience to choose more than one multiple choice option and, furthermore, to choose their options in order of priority from most important to least important. An example would be:

Which of the following poses the greatest threat to our population in the next 10 years? Pick your top three in order of priority.
1. Fuel shortages
2. Global warming
3. Economic poverty
4. Food poverty
5. Water poverty
6. War and terrorism

Part 1: Create your Priority slides

  1. Create your 360 question as normal.
  2. Just above the question window click Properties.
  3. Tick the box to indicate this is a Priority Ranking question.
  4. Just beneath this pick the number of Responses Per Participant.

Part 2: Poll your priority slides

  1. You poll your Priority slides in exactly the same way as you would with a normal slide. Just remember you’ll need to invite your audience to submit more than one vote.
  2. When you close polling you will see a chart with some unexpectedly high numbers on it. This is because OMBEA presents the results by assigning 10 points to a voter’s first choice, 9 to their second choice, 8 to their third choice, and so on. By aggregating all the points on the live voting chart, it’s possible to see the subtle differences between options depending on their overall priority for the audience.

If an audience member wishes to change their mind and they are using a ResponsePad:

  1. They press an extra button. In our example where we are asking for three choices, they submit a fourth.
  2. This will ‘delete’ their choices and a red light on the ResponsePad will indicate this.
  3. The can submit their new set of responses as normal.

Free Text Questions (ResponseApp users only)


Free text questions are only possible with OMBEA ResponseApp.

  1. If it’s not already visible, bring up the OMBEA Response 360 window by pressing CMD+1 on the Mac or clicking the Control Panel button on Windows. This option is also available from OMBEA Response 360’s Window menu.
  2. Click Questions at the top of the Panel.
  3. Click the words Multiple Choice in the drop down menu just above the panel that reads Enter question text…
  4. _Change the setting to Free Text. _
  5. Type in your open-ended question.
  6. You can now poll your slides as normal.