Exciting Ombea Product Updates For You!

Introducing Stream Mixes to Ombea. Stream Mixes have arrived to help you combine results from existing Streams and questions. You can select questions about specific topics or merge results from different questions to capture the overall experience across all your channels. You can view, analyze, and export Stream Mixes in the familiar way you're used to.

Dashboard’s New 'Overview' Tab: See the Bigger Picture

We’ve added a new Overview tab in the dashboard. Here, you can view the top-line results and trends for the Streams and Stream Mixes you select. We’ve made it easy for you to extract the key metrics that matter the most and present them in an organized manner for all your staff. This ensures everyone is on the same page, comparing apples to apples and driving their progress in the right direction. If more details are needed, it’s easy to delve deeper into the analytics dashboard.

Results sharing to improve relevance and motivation

Our new results sharing feature enables your staff to compare their performance with peers right in the dashboard. By doing so, you provide your staff with a valuable benchmark, supporting their efforts to improve and maintain motivation.

Stay tuned for more product updates.

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